We Need New Concepts

Pueblo Garzón, Maldonado, Uruguay

We are currently living in fast paced times with unpredictable changes that keep us incapable of understanding and enunciating what we are experiencing or what is yet to come. Language must be updated rapidly to put our time into words. But, what if the creation of a neologism preceded reality to transform it?

We are currently living in fast paced times with unpredictable changes that keep us incapable of understanding and enunciating what we are experiencing or what is yet to come. Language must be updated rapidly to put our time into words. But, what if the creation of a neologism preceded reality to transform it?

It was with this statement that INST, the cultural initiative of MAPA architects, called for the invention of neologisms capable of naming new realities, behaviors, desires, and architectures. The result was a dINSTionary with 125 neologisms from 72 individual and group authors from 17 countries.

One year later, the dINSTionary was exhibited in CAMPO Artfest 2021 in Pueblo Garzón. Reflecting on the theme of the event, On Progress, the neologisms were displayed in such a way that visitors could build their own dINSTionaries with the concepts they most resonated with. The installation was held in the new MAPA FIELD STUDIO in Garzón, on a wooden table that bridges the ideas of the public and the private by passing through a brick wall and thus allowing new relationships between the backyard of the studio and Pueblo Garzón.

The project had the participation of Jackson Araujo (Brazil) in the soundscape design, and Lost Fantasy in the design of upcycling garments, both inspired by the concepts of the dINSTionary.

Authors: Luciano Andrades, Matías Carballal, Andrés Gobba, Mauricio López, Silvio Machado

Project team: Diego Morera, Pablo Courreges, Sebastián Lambert, Martina Pedreira, Agustina Vigevani, Emilia Dehl, Romina Mangini, Lucas Marques, Alejandro Cuadro, Amanda Cappelatti, Constanza Manzochi, Daniela Moro, Eduardo Kopittke, Emiliano Lago, Fabián Sarubbi, Fernanda Dihl, Flavio Faggion, Helena Utzig, Juliana Colombo, Lilian Wang, Lívia Bastos, Lucía Martinotti, Maria Eduarda Cavassola, Mateus Grandini, Mauricio Müller, Pedro Brandelli, Pedro Reichelt, Pierina Nervi.
Soundscape design: Jackson Araújo
Upcycling garments design: Lost Fantasy
Photography: Camila Montenegro
Woodwork: Cosia y Pombo
Lighting: Trios Lighting