Natural environments
A mirrored energetically efficient plane casts a magical effect over the shelters of Sacromonte Landscape Hotel, situating them on a tense boundary: between the unreal glow of technology and the camouflage with the changing skies of the natural environment.
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Operating responsibly in high-naturalness remote environments involves implementing an ecosystemic and trans-scalar architectural perspective.
Several projects nestled in ecologically fragile landscapes of eastern Uruguay feature lightweight structures that minimize their connection to the ground, while their easy assembly and future reversibility reduce their environmental footprint.
The amphibious structure of the Retreat in the Delta, one of Argentina's first Passivhaus-certified houses, rises from the ground to coexist with the periodic floods of the Paraná Miní River.
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MINIMOD is a family of autonomous and transportable architectural devices. Based on a system of combinable compact modules, they adapt their configuration and interact with the places where they are installed.
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The architectures that transition "from factory to landscape" engage in a dialogue between industrial processes driven by global logic and the natural rhythms of local scale.
A 36 x 21 meter laminated reforested wooden pergola frames the Blanca Lagoon of Reserva Montoya. Its open architecture highlights the forests of the existing landscape, enabling a diverse set of covered and uncovered, contained, and dispersed spaces.
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our work methods:
→ Prefab processes
→ Existing structures
→ Natural environments
→ Cultural practices
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